Hire Insights

Insights, ideas, and the latest recruitment advertising techniques for modern recruiters and employers.

Why You Need To Hire A Media Buyer

If you have developed a strong employer-branded job posting and are hoping that it will really bring fresh and exciting talent to your organization, you need to make sure it reaches the desired audience. Media buying services can ensure your advertisement is successful in finding qualified candidates.

Is Your EEO Tagline Correct?

An Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) tagline is a short statement included in federal contractor’s job advertisements, indicating their organization will not discriminate against any job seeker based on gender, race, veteran status, disability, etc.

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Recruitment

Technology has enhanced many industries, and recruiting is no exception. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the upcoming trends in hiring employees. AI-based software offers flexible solutions for human resource managers and recruiters to make hiring employees a more efficient process.

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